Emergency 24-hour service | 604-539-0212
Why You Should Choose High Calibre Cleaning & Janitorial Inc
Cleaning is our passion. When you choose High Calibre Cleaning & Janitorial Inc, you choose professionals who have the calibre to deliver exactly what you want. When you choose us, you also get:
The High Calibre Advantage
We make it our business to make your business look better. We can improve the cleanliness of your facility, resulting in increased employee morale in addition to time and cost savings.
100% BC Owned and Operated
We are a Canadian corporation who can handle any sized job. We are independently owned and operated for the personal touch. We don't sell contracts.
The High Calibre Promise
We will do everything in our power to ensure that you are satisfied with our service.
You are our #1 priority. You decide on the type of cleaning and maintenance that you need and we will try to exceed your expectations in providing the quality service that you deserve.
Competitive Pricing
We constantly monitor our pricing to make sure that you get what you are paying for and more.
Business Protection Program
Our qualified and trained service personnel are all bonded, insured and supervised to provide the best quality janitorial service in the Lower Mainland. We have a business license for your area. We are registered and in good standing with WCB, and we adhere to all government and WHMIS regulations.
Why Don’t You Give Us a Try?
The only way we can show you how well we clean your premises is by actually doing it. However, if you wish to contact some of our existing customers we have enclosed in our testimonials, please feel free. Earning their recommendation is our motivation!
Contact us today to learn more about our cleaning services.